You can use it as a fast track guide. Just ignore the "Your level" bit. I would seriously recommend that you wait until your level 50+ before trying this though, as it'll will takes you ages to complete at lower levels (unless of course you have a couple of level 50+ friends who don’t mind grinding mobs for you to skin). I've tried to list mobs that should be yellow or orange for your skinning level. If they are green, move onto the next zone listed.
Please note that even if a mob is red/orange to you, that this DOES NOT guarantee that you'll get a skill up. It's more likely, but not to be expected every time.
Skinning Level = 1 - Your Level = 5
Undead = Hounds around Brill
Orcs and Trolls = Mottled Boars and Scorpids around Sen'Jin Village
Tauren = Prowlers and Plainstriders around Bloodhoof Village
Humans = Boars around Goldshire
Gnomes and Dwarves = Crag Boars and Wendigo's South of Kharanos
Night Elves = Nightsabers and critters around Dolanaar
Skinning Level = 25 - Your Level = 10
Undead = Worgs and Moonrage Gluttons around Silverpine
Orcs and Trolls = Boars, Scorpids, Crocolisks and Raptors around Orgrimmar
Tauren = Prowlers and Prairie Wolves around Thunderbluff
Human = Prowlers and Bears around Eastvale Logging Camp
Gnomes and Dwarves = Wolves around Brenwall Village.
Night Elves = Moonstalkers and Bears around Auberdine
Skinning Level = 50 - Your Level = 13
(at this level most Horde should be heading towards XR)
Plainstriders, Raptors and Prowlers around XR
Humans = Goretusks all around Sentinel Hill.
Gnomes and Dwarves = Bears and Crocolisks around Thelsamar
Night Elves = Moonstalkers and Bears North of Auberdine
Skinning Level = 100 - Your Level = 20
Stormsnouts and Thunderhawks around Camp Taurajo
(at this level most Alliance should be heading for The Wetlands)
Crocolisks and Raptors around Bluegill Marsh and Whelgar's Excavation Site
Whelps and boars around Lakeshire for Alliance.
Skinning Level = 130 - Your Level = 24
Alliance and Horde
Bears and Mountain Lions around Hillsbrad Foothills
Ravagers and Wolves in Duskwood if your Alliance.
Bears, Stags and Ghostpaws in Ashenvale.
Skinning Level = 150 - Your Level = 28
Alliance and Horde
Yeti Cave in Hillsbrad Fields and Mountain Lions on the "Daggers" (these are the bits of land between Hillsbrad and Alterac Mountains, one is called Corrans Dagger, so hence the nickname)
Hyenas, Lions, Wyvern and Thunderhawks in Thousand Needles.
Bears, Stags and Ghostpaws in Ashenvale.
Skinning Level = 170 - Your Level = 32
Alliance and Horde
Raptors in Arathi Highlands.
Turtles and Basilisks in The Shimmering Flats.
Skinning Level = 180 - Your Level = 34
Alliance and Horde
Raptors, Panthers and Tigers around Nessingwarys Camp in Stranglethorn Vale
(you could actually get your skinning level all the way to 300 in and around STV as the mobs range from level 34 to level 50)
Raptors and Crocs in Dustwallow Marsh.
Thunder Lizards, Kodos, Basilisks, Scorpids and Hyenas in Desolace.
Whelps in Swamp of Sorrows.
Skinning Level = 220 - Your Level = 38
Alliance and Horde
Raptors and Gorillas around the Gurabashi Arena
Panthers, Jaguars and Crocs in Swamp of Sorrows.
Dragonkin, Coyotes and Ridge Stalkers/Huntresses in Badlands.
Wolves around Feathermoon Stronghold in Feralas if your Alliance.
Skinning Level = 250 - Your Level = 45
Alliance and Horde
Snickerfangs and Boars in North Blasted Lands
Silvermanes and Gryphons in The Hinterlands.
Stags and Hippogryphs in Azshara.
Hippogryphs, Apes, Bears, Wolves, Screechers and Yetis in Feralas.
Skinning Level = 275 - Your Level = 50
Alliance and Horde
Jagueros and Gorillas on Jaguero Island (Large Island to the East of Booty Bay where Princess Poobah is being held). Skin till 300.
Yetis, Chimeras and Bears in Winterspring.
Bears in Western Plaguelands.
Plaguehounds and Plaguebats in Eastern Plaguelands.
Turtles by Raventusk Village in The Hinterlands.
Turtles and Chimeras in Azshara.
Dragonkin, Worgs and Scorpids in Burning Steppes.
Thought I'd add the mob levels that you can expect to get each specific leather from.
Ruined Leather Scraps: 1-16
Light Leather: 1-27
Light Hide: 10-27
Medium Leather: 15-36
Medium Hide: 15-36
Heavy Leather: 25-46
Heavy Hide: 25-46
Thick Leather: 35-63
Thick Hide: 40-59
Rugged Leather: 43-63
Rugged Hide: 47-63 hs, Apes, Bears, Wolves, Screechers and Yetis in Feralas.
Skinning 300 to 375 Guide by Highlander on EU-Terenas
Going from 300 to 375 is dead easy, but its going to take you as long, if not longer than it took to go from 1 to 300. Even if your skinning orange mobs, you'll only get a skill up every 5-7 successful skins.
Realistically, you could level up to 375 on the mobs around Hellfire Peninsula, but it's not the most efficient way. The following is what I believe to be a more efficient way to level it up.
301 - 310
Hellboars around Hellfire Citadel in Hellfire Peninsula.
310 - 330
Ravagers around Falcon Watch in Hellfire Peninsula.
330 - 350
Talbuk's and Clefthoofs all over Nagrand. (you could just as easily continue skinning to 375 here if you want, as if wont take that much longer, than going to Netherstorm and skinning Drakes)
350 - 375
Netherdrakes around Stormspire in Netherstorm or around Netherwing Fields in Shadowmoon Valley or Raptors and Wind Serpents around Blades Edge Mountains.
1 comment:
Wow, you are so good at game guide writing!
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