World of Warcraft WoW Profession Guide

Have you ever heard about World of Warcraft? Here you can get more information about WOW Profession Guide like Herbalism, First aid, Tailoring, Leatherworking, Jewelcrafting, Blacksmithing, Enchanting, Fishing, Alchemy, and much more. I even listed some guide to making gold here for player out there who desperate to know how to make gold. Please bookmark for future updates! Enjoy!
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wow profession guide

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Gold Farming

Every World of Warcraft player is always looking for one thing -- more gold! In fact, so many Warcraft players need more gold than they find themselves able to make within the game, that many have resorted to paying real money for virtual gold to professional gold farmers. This isn’t really necessary though, as there are plenty of ways to farm your own gold within the game. A couple of important things to keep in mind is that you need the right profession and you also need to think about your strategies. Is any one action worth the hours it may take you?

To really maximize your gold-making opportunities, a Warcraft gold farming guide will be a big boost to your efforts and is well worth the initial investment. Using a guide cuts down on the learning curve so you can quickly fill your bags with a lot more loot and it will save you both time and money (both virtual and real) in the long run.

The Best Professions for Gold Making

The biggest gold-making professions in World of Warcraft are the mining professions. Getting your mining up, and selling the bars you make, will make you a lot of gold, especially in the lower levels. Just be sure not to get stuck in a profession where you will need to use that ore yourself. For example, you don’t want to play a blacksmith because you want to have that ore available to sell to other players.

Another good profession to have is enchanting, so that you can disenchant any greens or blues that you find. That way you'll get enchanting materials out of your useless soulbound rewards and all the unneeded items you pick up in dungeons. The green shield you found in Blackfathom Depths won't sell for anything, but the strange dust you disenchant from it will sell easily. The Auction House deposits on enchanting materials are practically nothing, so you can afford to keep putting them up for auction over and over again. Once you know the value of things, you can buy them cheap from others and sell them more expensively.